Part I: Peeps or Pullets? Ways to Get Started in Chicken Keeping
Once I coerced Hubby Dear into the whole chicken keeping business and decided to start with chicks ordered through the mail, it was time to decide on a chicken breed. If you've never paid much attention to chickens before, it might surprise you to find out just how many breeds there are out there. The hatchery I settled on as the source for my chicks, Meyer Hatchery, carries literally dozens of breeds.
What should you buy? That depends on your answer to the following question: Why are you keeping chickens?
- Are you mostly interested in eggs? There are breeds out there that will reliably pump out 300 eggs a year.
- Do you envision your chickens mostly as a meat source? You'll want to raise chickens that dress out into plump carcasses and put on weight quickly.
- Would you like chickens for both their meat and eggs? There are breeds that are good for both, though they will not produce as many eggs as the best layers or put on weight as fast as the dedicated meat birds.
- Some breeds are better at foraging for their food than others. In the event that you have to completely free-range your chickens, it is important to select a breed that is active and does well outside of complete confinement.
- You'd want a breed that would go broody (attempt to hatch chicks on their own). We humans have removed broodiness from the genetic makeup of many poultry breeds. That's great if you want to create birds that lay continuously (broody birds stop laying and focus completely on their clutch of eggs), but that is not so good if you want to expand your flock naturally (ie. without an incubator or a hatchery order). It goes without saying that you'll need a rooster if you want fertile eggs. Chickens will lay eggs without a rooster, but it still takes a rooster strutting around the chicken yard to make babies.
- You would want a breed that agrees with your climate. Some chickens tolerate heat well; others are perky even in bitter cold. In a grid down situation, you're not going to be able to heat or cool your hen house artificially. And who wants to do that, anyway? Why not pick a breed that is suited to your climate and make it easy on everyone?
A last consideration has less to do with survival and more to do with you. What kind of personality do you feel comfortable working around? Some breeds are more flighty or have a history of aggression. Others are usually calm. Some breeds tend to be friendly and personable with their human caretakers while others couldn't care less about you.
After sifting through all these factors, we decided to select a dual-purpose breed that had known broody tendencies, does well free-ranging, handles cold weather and is generally docile. That still left me with many, many chicken breeds to pick from. In the end, I couldn't pick just one breed. I selected nine! We may decide later that a certain breed is our favorite and stick with it, but for now I can't help but smile in anticipation of the multi-colored display that will soon be pecking around my chicken moat.
These are the breeds we selected for our seventeen chickens:
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Buff Orpington Image from |
Buff Orpington is the breed we ordered the most of. We want a rooster for our little flock and decided to purchase a Buff Orpington cockerel, too.
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Black Australorp Image from |
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Columbian Wyandotte Image from |
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Golden Laced Wyandotte. Could they be any more spectacular? Image from |
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Silver Laced Wyandotte - too pretty to resist! Image from |
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Easter Eggers Image from |
Easter Eggers are kind of an interesting breed. They are a bit of a mongrel breed that is kept primarily because they lay eggs in shades of green, blue, or pink. From what I've read, they vary on the outside just as much as the color of their eggs. Who knows if my girls will resemble the pullets pictured above?
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Delaware - The Thinker's pick for prettiest chicken Image from |
Speckled Sussex Image from |
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Barred Plymouth Rock Image from Wikipedia |
Any good book about chickens will have charts detailing the attributes of the various breeds. My favorite chicken reference for this purpose is Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens.
If you raise chickens, what breeds do you have? Do you raise them primarily for eggs, meat, or both? If you don't have chickens but wish you did, what do you think you would do?
We have two silkies...simply because I crack up every time I see them. One Easter Egger for green eggs and one white girl that is a cross breed. The more variety in my little backyard flock the better ! They all give eggs and are pets as well.
ReplyDeleteWe have 13 chickens and hope to purchase more next year. Our six Buff Orpingtons our the favorites. Great over winter layers and very easy going to handle. The other 7 include a rooster and 6 hens mostly game fowl (mixed breeds) with one Ameracuna. So we do get one green egg out of all the browns.
I am get my first little flock this weekend! I planned on waiting until late spring and then buy some pullets, but my son's friend's family is moving to town and said they'd give me part of their laying flock. I only had 1 week to get ready! Fortunately we had a garden shed to convert over to a coop. I am still working on it and the fence for the run. I have the day off of work tomorrow, but we are expecting a winter storm tonight and tomorrow morning--so if that happens it will put a damper on my work! Chickens come Sat morning! I am getting 5 1 year old hens-variety of breeds all layers.
ReplyDeleteWow, Cindy! Good luck getting everything ready in time. You'll be getting eggs in no time!
ReplyDeleteI ended up with 5 Ameraucanas (Easter Eggers). I got 1 egg yesterday (day 1) and 1 today. It was so much working getting everything ready in 1 week. I work full time, so my days have been busy. Yesterday I discovered they can fly over the fence I put up so I had to cover the fence with netting first thing this cold windy morning. I also put a cover over the nesting boxes I build since they pooped in them yesterday and I put in 2 long perches along the back wall of the coop. When I locked them in this evening, 1 was in the nest box and 4 were up on the perch, so I guess they are happy!
ReplyDeleteI want to have chickens. But I live in a subdivision and not sure I can. I had ducks and chickens growing up. So id get some from my local farmers. I want sooo bad to have chickens. But we have to have acres first.
ReplyDeleteYou need to clip their wings. My dad would do that once in a while. So they stayed in our yard and not roam where they should not.
ReplyDeleteId like to cross a Golden Phoenix Bantam Rooster with a Rhode Island Giant black hen & see what happens :)
ReplyDeletei have 9 sebrights i got a couple of months ago.
ReplyDeleteVirtual pets, also known as a digital pet, are popular all over the world today. Many will say you can trace the virtual pets origin back to the 1970's and the "Cat names Rock". The Pet Rock was an ingenious marketing idea.
ReplyDeleteThere are several pet insurance companies that will insure older pets, but you should be aware of several potential issues that are peculiar to insuring an older pet. The type of coverage for older pets varies from company to company. This article will help you pick a company and policy that will maximize coverage and hopefully avoid surprises down the road. cat beds