Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Honey Loves Me

How can I tell?

He got me this as a combined birthday/Mother's Day present.

A NutriMill !

Isn't he thoughtful? (Nevermind the fact that I told him exactly what I wanted and in fact I ordered it myself.) He's a total gem, isn't he, ladies?

After the great electric grain mill disappointment of 2010, I've been making do with my Wondermill Junior Deluxe. It's great and all, but I only pull it out of storage every so often. Between changing diapers and homeschooling, grinding grain by hand is low on the list of things I need to do every day. I'm sure I'll use it a ton. Thanks, Hubby Dear!

Coming soon: My Review of the NutriMill 


  1. HOORAY!!!

    I just know you will love it!!!


  2. Oh...gorgeous! This is the same mill I have my eye on. I will be checking back to hear what you think of it.:)
    Happy Birthday and Mother's Day!

  3. My Nutrimill was a birthday gift from my husband, too! :) I've used it very often for the few years since, and love it. I have no complaints. You just have to time your grinding & bread making around Baby's nap because the grinding is loud. ;) I hope you love yours as well! Yay for awesome new kitchen gadgets!

  4. It is really loud, but it works really great! I grind a batch of wheat at a time and then make my bread and then put the extra flour in the freezer to keep it fresh.
