Sunday, November 28, 2010

Month Six in Review and Month Seven Preps

Did you think this past month seemed to fly by? I can't believe November is already drawing to a close. I also am astonished that I've been actively prepping for only seven months. I've learned so much and accomplished quite a bit.

RIP oil lamp chimney
Month Six of my prepping plan was a doozy. I had a humbling experience with primitive technology, bought a bunch of freeze-dried and dehydrated items for my food storage, stocked up on the necessities to have lighting during a power-down scenario, as well as accomplished the other items in my plan for this month.

In the negative column, I'm still not doing very well with adding in exercise, unless you count using my new grain mill. Hey, it does make me break a sweat! Also, the glass globe/chimney on my oil lamp met a premature demise when I was dusting it yesterday. This goes to show that A) I need to have some back-up chimneys on hand with my other supplies and B) My contention that housework is evil does have a basis in fact.   
Month Seven:
  1. Continue to build food storage basics. Perhaps take advantage of holiday sales and stock up on items like spices, chocolate chips, canned pumpkin, etc.
  2. Buy some ground beef and chicken breast and pressure can it. Conduct a taste test and see how my home-canned meat fares vs. store bought canned chicken. 
  3. Create a first aid kit for for my purse. I'm thinking of making one in a Altoid tin.
  4. Buy an electric grain mill and put it through its paces.
  5. Begin the process of organizing some of my canned food storage for easier rotation. I'm going to try out and review one of the can rotation devices on the market.
  6. In the category of "Hope Springs Eternal": Exercise 3x per week.
Do you have any prepping plans for December or are you consumed with Christmas purchases and preparations?


  1. This is to funny to me. I killed a chimney on one of my lamps yesterday also...And, the soot from our real chimney some how ummmmm covered my face while attempting to clean it..haha

  2. More evidence that cleaning can be hazardous to your health! Did I read that you won the giveaway on New Life on a Homestead?

  3. My husband and I are giving each other preparedness related items for Christmas, so we get to celebrate and prep at the same time! :)
